I See .I Shoot . I Share . . . I Feel . I write . I Share . . . I Like . I Love . I Share . . .
有广告时 帮我按下下 让我赚些小费 买鸡精养神 .. 写部落需要精神的啊 好心有好报 ~ :D
Cycling Moments
Saturday, April 30, 2011
潜能 Potential
A " WOW" Ranking in Top Bloggers List
This really never happened before.. in Rank 495 of Top bloggers List which usually ...my blog will be in rank over thousand la.. sigh..hehe..
SO trying to sharing ur Stories of WCM at ur blogs until u get SPOT by WCM ~ Good Luck~ :D
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
WCM SpOt LyPing Blog - S U R P R i S E-
LyPing replied with love : " Billions Thank You to WorldCard Malaysia that SPOT on my blog ~
U got ur words that havent put as Blog? Do it now.. ..
Our WCM Castle concepts.. SHARING IS CARING.. start sharing now if u havent ~ ♥ ♥ ♥
p/s: 3 ♥ here.. yup represent i said .. I LOVE U to u WCM =D
& I forever do ~
See with the Power of SPOT.. Power of LOVE from WCM !!!!
My blog suddenly got lot visitors came in. This is really BILLION THANKS to WCM.. which i think this is only happened on dreams but today come true hahahahah..
I cant take my eyes from u! This the fact.. i couldnt denied~
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Congratulations to Mama Rock Sharifah ~
Monday, April 25, 2011

起初 人家mail我说雇用了我 还真的不太相信
是我 变得没有自信了吗?
还是我觉得自己表现得太差了 哈
反正 比较安心了
可以暂时结束 填写个人质料的日子了
i willing to have a ride.. ohpsss.. i willing to be survivor again ;)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
让我跟你说 BYE BYE
我这次一点风声都不想走漏 我真的想跑了
我厌倦 那些人物
我讨厌 那些冷嘲
我应征了总共5间公司 拒绝了1间公司
我觉得原来 我熟睡快5年
我觉得若我再不跳槽 我将变成 zero NBV
谢谢这个新公司的上司 懂得欣赏我
我或许不是人才中的人才 但我一定不会让你后悔雇用我 ~

如果你真的是天使 可不可以 是个不再回去天堂的天使?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
愚人的生日 바보의 생일
2011 这年 格外热闹 high 翻天 玩得乐开怀的 April Fools' Party
I never though that WCM / RWG /Safari Disco they will got such a great idea organizing such event .
My first reaction while saw WCM Admin Tag me on the post ..
WOW .. is APRIL FOOL PARTY ^^, ♥ *^^* my big day as well lolx.. March 9 at 11:23am
But then i considering that to attend the party , i need to apply again another 2 days leave. Which recently i taken leave already quite often.. :P
After a day of consideration.. I decided.. Arrggg... dun care la.. sent my entry to join the party.. (Never even concern whether my leave application will b approved or not, but as i said who dare not to approve my leave on that day :P )
Is very very kInd that WCM really never dissapointed me , i m in Invitation list and much more happy is that my most WCM Gang will also join the party ^^d SuPer Zhan!!!

Very thank you to the Worldcard Malaysia , Resort World Genting & Safari Disco i really having a great CRAZY HOURS over my Birthday .. this is truely my unforgetable birthday ever (as at 2011 la) :P My mdm Kow is there.. my WCM Gang is there .. singing birthday song for me.. I was very touched.

有时候 自己就是必需奖励下自己
但是365 天 有一天是一定要的

Monday, April 11, 2011
Days in WCM . 城堡中的日子

Thursday, April 7, 2011
爱一次 One Chance of Love
30,000th Fan it's ME ; 50,000th Fan it's also ME

I Think No. XXX,XXXth Fan it's also will be M3 ^^,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Journey to the Castle of WCM

2010 Jul 30 Worldcard Malaysia said : " Guess who is the fan for this week?? ^^ " My words : ~OMG ~Thanks you so much.... Touching like the actress receiving the Oscar Awards again .. I love u WORLDCARD.. and i will keep the LOVE going ... till forever ... (my hand is shaking while typing .... ) < (^^,'') July 30, 2010 at 4:20pm Others never expect that no.3rd FOTW is fall to me.. so am i ..lolx http://lyping.blogspot.com/2010/08/fotw.html

FOTW Version 2.0

Lyping words to share :"WCM is just like the Treasure Island, if u keep on walking island.. U will found urself the priceless treasures !!! Never believe me?? I actually found lots from the WCM !! Am telling u.. my personal experience :P... Thank lot sa to WCM by chosing be the FOTW Version 2 Apperiate with many love to u in return .. " January 28
哭.笑 释放
开心的时候 是哭着的
难过的时候 还勉强笑着的
他们不知道 那个其实累加累加累
没有这个必要自己把精神搞错乱 .. 想哭就哭吧
想笑就大声笑吧 ~
我们都不是演员 不必演戏
其实 Actually
当然我们不能说不想念 就不想念了
我们需要懂得在黑暗 给自己曙光
我们需要懂得说服离开了的人 他们还有个天堂住
我们需要懂得在累的 时候 说累了
毕竟 我们还是人 不是神
哦 亲爱的 有些事 当我们还一直认为自己做得不够好时 其实它已经是超过了一百分 :)
有些事 需要快刀斩乱麻
有些事 得用时间消化
有些事 接受得了一时接受不了一世
有些事 很努力才可能成功
有些事 时机很重要
有些事 需要冒险
很多事 如果要面对的 不是听完首歌就解决掉
因为剥开了一切 我们都是只有颗心脏 在跳动着罢了