给 我 爱 的 鼓励 ……按下广告 …… 就这里 .. 还有 ..旁边 那几个 ..

有广告时 帮我按下下 让我赚些小费 买鸡精养神 .. 写部落需要精神的啊 好心有好报 ~ :D

Cycling Moments

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Freebies from Sony to Blogger

Is good to be Blogger ..
BUT it is even more good to have a friend that sharing good news to u immediately if hr get to know it..  
Thank you very MUCH ..else  i wasnt know what happened at town ,even got freebies also going to miss it..

hanna hana .. i refering u la :P
Goodies from Sony
Have a great Chit Chat hours with Jaleen ,friend that get know tru blogging ..after claiming our Goodies Bag from Sony~